Youth movement, whose members often organize protest actions, including those against the war in Ukraine. Its coordinator Bogdan Litvin, as well as seven other people mentioned in the register of the Ministry of Justice in the column 'Information on founders and (or) leaders of the association' are criminally prosecuted under a charge of establishing a non-commercial organization encroaching on the personality and the rights of citizens. Litvin has been included in the register of personalities — 'foreign agents' earlier.
«Youth Democratic Movement „Viasna“
Field of activity
Political entities
«Public associations functioning without acquiring the rights of a legal entity»
Reason for recognition
The register mentions 'establishment of the system of power in Russia based on democratic methods and respect for human rights. Solution of youth problems with democratic and liberal methods' as the goals of the association, and foreign citizens as sources of funding.
Year of recognition
Status description
From 2021 such status may be granted to associations that operate without acquiring the rights of a legal entity, receive funds and/or other property from foreign sources, and participate in political activities carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation.
Who recognizes:
Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation.
Public associations-"foreign agents» are required to inform the Ministry of Justice about the amount of foreign funding, about the purpose of spending these funds, and also annually publish a report on their activities. In addition, such foreign agents are required to annually announce whether they plan to continue their activities, as well as to share information about the current composition of the leadership and the location of the current governing body.
Administrative liability:
Failure to provide or untimely submission to the authorized body of the necessary information — a warning or a fine of up to thirty thousand rubles (Article 19.7.5-3 of the Code of Administrative Offences).
The production of any materials or their distribution without indicating that these materials were produced are distributed by an unregistered public association acting as a «foreign agent» — a fine of up to three hundred thousand rubles (Article 19.7.5-3 of the Code of Administrative Offences).
Production by a founder, member or participant of a public association of materials or their distribution, including through the media or social networks, without specifying the status of a foreign agent — a fine in the amount of five thousand rubles (Article 19.7.5-3 of the Code of Administrative Offences).
Criminal liability:
Article 330.1 of the Criminal Code, part 1
Malicious evasion of financial reporting by registered NGOs and unregistered public associations recognized as foreign agents — a fine of up to 300,000 rubles / compulsory work for up to 480 hours / correctional labor for up to 2 years / imprisonment for up to 2 years.