«The Krasnoyarsk regional public organization 'Agency for Public Initiatives' was established in the late 1990s. It encourages charity among citizens, commercial and non-profit organizations, and development of volunteering, as well as improving the level of social and legal culture in society. In addition, the Agency for Public Initiatives conducts various events on an ongoing basis. Among them are the projects „Time of the Young“ (the goal is to educate young people in the field of civil initiatives, the formation of an active civic position and leadership qualities among the youth of the Krasnoyarsk Territory) and „There are no children-strangers“ (the goal is to involve the youth of Krasnoyarsk in voluntary activities through work with orphans).

The organization was included in the list of „foreign agents“ in 2016. Soon the Ministry of Justice excluded it from this list. It was proved that the Agency for Public Initiatives did not receive foreign funding and did not carry out political activities.

Krasnoyarsk Regional Public Organization «Agency for Public Initiatives»
Field of activity
Support of the local communities
«Foreign agent» (NGO)
Reason for recognition
“The Agency for Public Initiatives” was recognized as a "foreign agent", as the Ministry of Justice considered the organization's participation in holding round tables dedicated to the activities of socially oriented non-profit organizations to be political activity. The grant agreements concluded between the Agency for Public Initiatives and the Interregional Public Foundation Siberian Center for Support of Public Initiatives (a Russian organization), which had not yet been included in the register of "foreign agents" at the time of signing the agreements, but had previously received foreign funding, were considered foreign financing.
Year of recognition
Status description
Since 2012, such status can be obtained by non-profit organizations registered in Russia, and from 2020 unregistered public associations, which, according to the Russian government: a) receive foreign funding, b) participate in «political activity», which is understood as any public activity. Who recognizes: Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. Responsibilities: NPO-"foreign agents» are required to provide a report on their activities, audit reports, and data on the organization’s personnel. In addition, they must submit to the Ministry of Justice a report on the goals and actual spending of funds, including those received from foreign sources. Unregistered public associations must provide the Ministry of Justice with a notice on receipt of funds from foreign sources and participation in political activities, as well as with a report on the funds received, purposes, and their actual use. Administrative liability: mentioning an NGO-"foreign agent» and an unregistered public association-foreign agent on the Internet or in the media — a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles. (Article 13.15 of the Code of Administrative Offences). failure to submit or untimely submission of reports — a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles for an NCO-foreign agent (Article 19.7.5-2 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and up to 30 thousand rubles for unregistered public associations (Article 19.7.5-3 of the Code of Administrative Offences). if the association produces or distributes materials without specifying that such association is a foreign agent — a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, for unregistered public associations (Article 19.7.5-3 of the Code of Administrative Offences) and up to 500 thousand rubles for an NGO-foreign agent (Article 19.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences). if an employee, but not an association as a whole, distributes any materials and does not indicate that he/she is an employee of an NGO-foreign agent — a fine of five thousand rubles and for unregistered public associations (Article 19.7.5-3 of the Code of Administrative Offences), and for NGOs (Article 19.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences). if the organization operates but does not enter itself in the register of foreign agents — a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles for non-profit organizations (Article 19.34 of the Code of Administrative Offences). if the activities of the organization are suspended, but it continues to function — a fine for an unregistered public association for organizers up to two thousand rubles, and for participants — up to one thousand rubles, for an NGO-foreign agent — a fine of up to 50 thousand rubles for organizers and up to five thousand rubles for participants (Article 20.28 of the Code of Administrative Offences). Criminal liability: malicious evasion of reporting by registered NGOs and unregistered public associations recognized as foreign agents — a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles or imprisonment for up to two years (par.1 article 330.1 of the Criminal Code).